2013-03-09 11:03:55
Φωτογραφία για Kουρδιστάν: Κρίσιμα μονοπάτια για Μεγάλους Ηγέτες!
Written by Emmanuel Gyzis*When the first organized Greek delegation visited Soulaimanya and Erbil, on July 13th 2012, representing the Greek-Iraqi Association for Friendship and Cooperation, they desired to definitely be received by the wife of Iraqi leader, Mam Jalal Talabani, Hero.

The meeting which was held for over an hour, left the Greeks, all of them eminent Scientists and businessmen, strongly confident concerning the personality of that enlightened woman who is growing to be a great leader.

With honesty, directness, daily ‘spending’ of her soul, Hero Talabani stands restless and is present in current affairs.

Ambassadors of great powers, Prime Ministers, leaders of countries who recognize her inexhaustible powerful deed in favour of her People, in the way she feels and listens to their lives, wish to hear her opinions.

Is this a coincidence? Of course not.

That Partisan, helpmate and guardian angel of the life of present Iraqi President, has fought next to him up on the mountains, her too being an Ideological Partisan.

She has experienced the tough adventure of the struggle for freedom. She has given two sons to the President. At the same time, she inspired him during the struggle for distinction, she became his own ¨Egeria¨.    

She has experienced the hurricane, the disastrous consequences of brute (bloody) war and has thus forged her adoration for Peace.

Daughter of the leader-founder of KDP, Ibrahim Ahmad, who was a Lawyer, she has been dealing with political fights since her youth.

Despite the fights, she has managed to study at the School of Education and Psychology, Mustansiriya University of Bagdad, and once having completed her studies, she got married to Mam Jalal Talabani in 1972.

She founded PUK with him in 1975 and came to the political life of Iraq dynamically.

She doesn't like labeling.

She faces Man as a self-existent miracle of Divine Creation. The criterion for her acts is simplicity, her feeling of co-existence and her agony for the People.

When she visited Athens, some years ago, (2008), as she was invited to participate in an International Conference for women Leaders from M. East and N. Africa, the positive feeling of her personality left its marks to all those who had the fortune of meeting her in person.

Simple people from Iraqi Kurdistan, gathered outside the headquarters of their Association in Athens in order to “feel” her generous love, her warmth.

This is how she walks through life every day in her Country.

She shares her life by the President, both in Iraqi Kurdistan and in Baghdad.

She is the leader in essential deeds for Peace nowadays, Education, Arts, Citizens’ rights, emancipation of Kurdish women, development of the Country.

The one that steps forward, along the paths of Peace and Perspectiveness.

Being a musician herself, she adores new Artists and fights for Art. For its development, the consequent development/ refinement of the Citizen’s soul.

She has given her own “style” to several buildings that are architectural adornments in Iraqi Kurdistan, managing to blend modern Architecture with the local culture and Kurdish tradition.

She is the leader in the field of Health for better hygienic and nursing standards. For the building of Hospitals and third age providence.

Apart from having been a partisan for the struggle for freedom, she has suffered imprisonment in harsh prisons, in Abu Graib. She has felt in her flesh what open war means, what a war against the human soul and what war for freedom mean.

That’s why she devotes her life defending freedom every day.

As Freedom is for Hero Imbrahim Ahmed, a “way of living”.

Presently, contributing to the process of the Peaceful Political and Economical Revolution that is taking place in Iraqi Kurdistan and in Iraq as a whole, she is following the developments with tranquility.

Her Country needs her. The President needs her. Iraqi Kurdistan as it is as well as the under peaceful alteration entire Iraqi State need her.

Mam Jalal Talabani, unanimously accepted as a Popular leader-Hero of the war for freedom of Iraqi Kurdistan, being the first Kurdish President of Iraq, will soon return to his Country, healthy.

All the routes to progress, all the hopes of the People for an essential “passing of the torch” within Iraq, when and if it is required, lead to…the “First Lady”.

Lady Hero, who undoubtedly summons up all the qualifications to lead the peacefully unified Nation.

Peace Revolution at its best.

Such a woman, in the Country, who walks step by step to the emancipation of the woman, “has the power” and the “guts” to become the Presidential leader.

To lead it, using the enlightened power of knowledge and her international acceptance, to the new routes that the People envision.

The “male master”, during his long route in Iraq, bows down to her power and honours himself as a man by recognizing her struggle when, through the prism of her first video camera, in mid-1980s, she was capturing the hard struggle for survival of the Kurdish inhabitants of the Countryside.

During the great international World’s Leader Women Congress, held by the Austrian Government recently in Vienna, Hero Ibrahim Talabani, First Lady of Iraq, proved her great potential.

And she achieved it through her presence and her interventions in the international Society of the World’s prominent Women.

With simplicity, honesty and looking others straight in the eyes.

With words and acts that touch people’s soul.

With courage, international experience that ensure the Future of the Nation and the entire Country.

She definitely “sees ahead”!!! At the justification of the peaceful co-existence of all the Iraqi People, no matter the governmental system that may be preferred.

Now, arising historical ¨pathways¨, for Great Leaders, without exception.

For the realization of the aims of a rapidly Emerging Economy that has Global Range.

The Nation needs strength and perspective.

Current ¨timing¨ is crucial and Unique simultaneously.  

*Emmanuel Gyzis, is Attorney At Law in Greece, and Emerging Markets’ Consultant –Analyst / www.egyzislaw.com

